Family Constellations
Family Constellations, a transformative offering by Eleni Kidis, that delves into the intricate interplay of psycho-somatic and spiritual healing, aiming to untangle the often chaotic and enmeshed structures of family systems. With a foundation rooted in a deep understanding of ancestral soul work, Family Constellations seeks to heal emotional wounds by uncovering the subtle nuances of intergenerational family trauma and dynamics that often remain hidden from view.
Embarking on the journey of Family Constellations means embarking on a path of profound self-discovery. By utilizing the body and tapping into the realm of felt sensations, this approach goes beyond the surface to unearth repressed emotions and family dynamics that shape our lives. Eleni Kidis guides participants through this process, offering a gentle and nurturing space where unspoken feelings find their voice, and hidden truths come to light. |